Monday, September 20, 2010


            As we go through life, we make choices that we do not pay too much attention to; sometimes those choices may lead to good things or lead to bad things.  In addition, sometimes those choices are the ones we have to make at a moment’s notice.
            With life comes complication and choices.  With complication comes the choice that can either make the complication worse or make it better.  When we make choices, we mostly do not know what may come of those choices. If you had to decide whether or not to take the bus or drive yourself that may lead to getting to work faster or being late, but it may also mean being rushed to the hospital for driving too fast because you were late or knowing you  made it to work unharmed but still late.  We never know what may come from our “small” decisions but in return, we find out what we avoided to happen after we have already made our decisions. If we knew ahead of time that our choices would bring us, people would not be making the choices that they are today.
            We may not always know what tomorrow may bring us, but what we do know is if we try to make the right decisions and follow our hearts; life will give us less complications and possibly more of what we need to live right and strive.